I graduated from East Carolina University in 2018 with a major in fine art/graphic design. Currently I am a designer and project manager at DesignElement. I view design as a way to share information, communicate ideas, and solve problems. I love to create, experiment and make cool stuff. I currently hold a few freelance accounts and am always looking for new ways to make things.

Problem Solver.
While I have always been a problem solver, my time at DesignElement has exponentially expanded those solving abilities. Having to figure out a physical way to construct an idea, especially ideas there isn’t a precedent for, has improved my crititcal thinking and reasoning skills. Having to note each and every material, adhesive, printing method and color spec has really taught me to think beyond how something looks. I’ve learned invaluable skills that extend into all of my work.

Professional Cat Walker…plus?
I have two cats who are leash trained and beg to go outside each and every day. I garden as much as I can for apartment life and I love to bake. I’m currently attempting to grow a giant bush of basil so I can make enough pesto to last until next year. I’m down for about any adventure and LOVE roller coasters.

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